Channel: Never Ending Story...
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"Like this cup, you are full of speculations."

No wonder the world will end at 2012.

I laughed while watching, well, not while watching the catastrophe that was happening, but I was laughing at how the human race is responding to these events. [Spoiler!Alert] The religious ones were ready to be taken by their so-called "God" and faced the huge earthquakes and tsunamis. The government, however, is as corrupt as ever. They made a huge project in preparation for 2012 not to save the people, but to save THEMSELVES. Of course there will be other people who know those stuff, and in the end, they were killed by the government, saying that they're an "enemy of humanity". In the end, no, the new beginning, the government official is still alive, but if it weren't for that brave "Noah", only that corrupt official and the daughter of the President were saved. Corruption = Death. IF I'M GOD, I'LL DEFINITELY SPARE NO ONE. D<

"Humans are such weak creatures."

CREATURES. Wow. It's like we're just a tiny speck in the universe; oh wait, we are. Watching that film gave me so many mixed emotions. Sadness, fear, anxiety, anger, disappointment, hope, happiness, gratitude. Name it, I felt it while sitting inside a closed cinemahouse for almost 3 hours with my sister and mom. Although the natural disasters that occurred probably won't happen, it made me think. What if one normal day, a huge tsunami will hit your home? A tornado will sweep everything? An earthquake will destroy the roads? A huge fire will burn everything to ashes? It made me realize that I'm still alive, safe and breathing. To be honest, I was crying during the beginning. It was too scary, I can't handle the people who where dying. It's pretty similar to what happened when Ondoy hit the Philippines, although in the movie, there were more than just rains and floods. I really hope it won't happen.

"But of that day or hour, no one knows; neither the angles in heaven, nor the son, but only the Father." - Mark 13:32

Why did I refer the Bible? I really don't know either. As we went out of the moviehouse I said that I believe in 2012 but I don't believe on how sadist nature can be. Then my mom answered "Didn't the Bible say that no one knows when is really the end?" I stopped for a minute. It all comes back to religion. In religion there's really no proof about anything, all you need is faith and trust. But that's my problem, I can't believe about anything unless there's actual proof. The Mayan Civilization has a very accurate clock, which also told about the end of the world: Dec 21, 2012. But in the Bible, you're not sure if someone altered the text and changed into this so that the people will just anticipate anything that can happen. I am a Christian, but this made me sound like an atheist. Blame technology, no, blame the human mind. Yes, we are the most intelligent creatures in this planet, but it seems that we are not using it in the right way. Young minds are easily influenced, which may lead to whatever man-made catastrophe.

Okay, to summarize everything, I like the movie "2012". XD I may still not believe that the world will really end, at least it opened my mind to be more conscious about things; and my heart to be thankful about everything and show my love to you guys before something will really happen. By the way, even if the human race will end, I'd still hate the government of any country. THEY SUCK, LIKE A BLACK HOLE. \:D/

WTF did I just do? Why is this loooooooooooooong? D<

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