*gives a pat on the back* Welcome back to le fandom! :D
but then seeing this picture made me still feel so fucking confused.
It irritates me to see fangirls wishing Ryutaro to be back. Of course I was hurt to know that this adorable young boy has to be suspended, but I think it's also for the best. He really deserved to be removed so that he'll think about what he did. After a few days I saw this petition and other stuff fans do just to bring him back. Seriously, what the hell are they doing? They just found out that a 16-year-old boy is smoking, and they want him to continue his work? Underage smoking is serious matter. Actually, smoking overall is a serious matter. Yes, I know. I should forgive and forget and blah blah blah, but I think I just can't do that to him. D:
I remembered NEWS having a similar incident which caused them to drop to 6 members. And I think it's not fair for them and for their fans if Ryutaro would return to JUMP. Why would NEWS fans experience the pain forever when JUMP fans would only have it for five months? Johnny, please think about this.
Back to that picture, seeing the large space between Inoo and Hikaru made my heart ache. From the first glimpse, I know there's something missing. Rather, someone. I've been a fan ever since they were formed, and of course I also have this dream of having and loving a ten-member-band together forever. I was there from Ultra Music Power, until this. I loved them then and will love them forever. I am admitting it here and now that I miss Ryutaro and there's also a part of me that wants him to be back.
But this. I really don't know which side to choose. Well, no one's forcing me to take one anyway, but why do I feel so torn?
but then seeing this picture made me still feel so fucking confused.
It irritates me to see fangirls wishing Ryutaro to be back. Of course I was hurt to know that this adorable young boy has to be suspended, but I think it's also for the best. He really deserved to be removed so that he'll think about what he did. After a few days I saw this petition and other stuff fans do just to bring him back. Seriously, what the hell are they doing? They just found out that a 16-year-old boy is smoking, and they want him to continue his work? Underage smoking is serious matter. Actually, smoking overall is a serious matter. Yes, I know. I should forgive and forget and blah blah blah, but I think I just can't do that to him. D:
I remembered NEWS having a similar incident which caused them to drop to 6 members. And I think it's not fair for them and for their fans if Ryutaro would return to JUMP. Why would NEWS fans experience the pain forever when JUMP fans would only have it for five months? Johnny, please think about this.
Back to that picture, seeing the large space between Inoo and Hikaru made my heart ache. From the first glimpse, I know there's something missing. Rather, someone. I've been a fan ever since they were formed, and of course I also have this dream of having and loving a ten-member-band together forever. I was there from Ultra Music Power, until this. I loved them then and will love them forever. I am admitting it here and now that I miss Ryutaro and there's also a part of me that wants him to be back.
But this. I really don't know which side to choose. Well, no one's forcing me to take one anyway, but why do I feel so torn?